LearningShared CPLD
A comprehensive CPLD Programme for both specialist and mainstream settings and colleagues

The LearningShared CPLD Programme and Learning Platform offers a totally unique approach to CPLD for your staff and governors that connects you with other schools and colleges through live in person networking and development conferences, virtual networking events and an online learning platform.
The programme is a carefully curated series of in person and virtual events facilitated by leading experts and practitioners from across the country, as well as a comprehensive online learning platform. Our 2023/24 offer includes access* to the following…
- 9 full day in-person Leadership Networking & Development conferences set across 3 regions (1 event per region each term) exploring and sharing innovative whole school approaches and practice: providing keynote inputs, group coaching, illuminations and workshops led by practicing specialist school headteachers. Speakers / facilitators include Diane Rochford OBE, Vijita Patel (Swiss Cottage School DRC), James Waller (Sunningdale School), Alistair Crawford (NNSP), Liz O'Shaughnessy (New Bridge MAT), Cheryl Gaughan (JMAT) and other experts and school leaders (specialist & mainstream) from across the LearningShared community.
- Virtual Events offering the opportunity to follow up on key themes, share best practice and learning, as well as build your professional networks.
- Regional Evidence for Learning Workshops / Clinics offering opportunity to network, share practice and learn from other schools and the EfL team.
- The LearningShared Online Learning Platform including lectures from Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE, Diane Rochford OBE, Vijita Patel, James Waller, Dr Tina Rae, Dr Janet Rose, Sharon Gray OBE, Amanda Mordey OBE, Laura Purser and many more. Prof. Barry Carpenter’s coaching programme on the Reflective Inquiry Cycle and live recordings of the EfL LearningShared 2023/24 conference keynotes and workshop sessions.
- Illuminations, contributions and case studies are provided throughout the LearningShared platform by outstanding school leaders and practitioners from across the community of practice.
* Subject to terms and conditions. See below
LearningShared: A Responsive Programme of CPLD
Here’s what is included…
Regional Leadership Networking & Development Conferences (in person)
These unique events are an opportunity for leaders at schools, colleges and settings across the country to come together for a day of sharing and development.
In addition to workshops and presentations led by colleagues including Diane Rochford OBE, Vijita Patel (Principal, Swiss Cottage School) and James Waller (Principal, Sunningdale School) there will be comprehensive case studies from schools within the community and structured roundtable discussions.
Each day will be a great opportunity to share and discuss interpretations and approaches to SEND and inclusion with other school leaders. The underlying theme of each event will be the exploration and discussion of how as leaders and practitioners we can develop and nurture truly inclusive and personalised approaches to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, as well as systemise reflective practice and inquiry across the whole school.
The complexity threshold has undoubtedly shifted in recent years and as practitioners we need to be agile, responsive and innovative in the ways in which we support learners…
- Ambitious curriculum and defining success
- Strategic vs Operational - The realities of leading a specialist school
- School improvement at all levels
- Accountability Frameworks - A positive change?
- Workforce Development and building capacity

Roundtable Discussion & Networking
The emphasis of each day will be on discussion, learning and networking… giving you lots of opportunity to meet and forge relationships with new partners and collaborators for your professional networks.
* The precise agenda and speakers for each event may vary slightly. Please get in touch with any queries

Virtual ‘Follow Up’ Events
A series of virtual events offering leaders and practitioners the opportunity to follow up on and take a ‘deeper dive’ into the key aspects and themes covered at our regional Leadership Networking & Development Conferences. Our experts will guide, steer and develop the conversation which will be punctuated by exemplification from leading schools across the community. As always collaboration and the opportunity to develop your professional network act as a key drivers for these events.
National Themed Conferences (in person)
Our national themed conferences will provide a focused in person event and opportunity for colleagues (leaders and practitioners) across the UK to come together around one of the themes raised at the regional networking & development events – e.g. an event focused on Preparing for Adulthood, etc… Our experts will lead discussion and provide expert input as we explore the topic in greater detail. In addition to comprehensive case study presentations from schools and colleges across the EfL LearningShared community, the conferences will be a fantastic opportunity to hear from, share and learn with colleagues around the country.

Regional EfL Workshop & Support Clinics (in person)
Our regional workshops offer teachers and leaders the opportunity to collaborate and network with colleagues from across their local area. Members of the EfL team will lead discussion and provide expert input as we explore what high quality evidence can look like, how it can be used to describe learning for different levels of need and share best practice around the use of EfL and Insights for Learning. Colleagues from across the community will share their own approaches with the group via Lightning Talks. The sessions will be very much guided and steered by members of the community and focus on the issues and topics most important to you!
Online Learning Platform
At the heart of the learning platform and programme are 7 modules looking at Curriculum; Pedagogy; Assessment; Leadership at all Levels; SEND Policy and Legislation; Reflective Inquiry and Wellbeing with each module containing:
- Pre-recorded lecture/presentation (online)
- Module-related case studies/webinars from leading schools, experts and practitioners
- Signposted further reading
- Suggested developmental questions and activities to consider in your own school
The modules can be accessed anytime and from anywhere via an online learning platform and subscribing schools will be able to provide access to ALL staff across their school (as well as school governors), giving professional learning and development opportunities to your whole staff team.

7 LearningShared CPLD Modules (Online Learning Platform)

LearningShared: The Power of Community
Bringing together a large, powerful community of specialist and mainstream schools, colleges, leaders & practitioners…
The Evidence for Learning and LearningShared community now comprises close to 900 specialist schools, colleges and alternative provisions across the UK, as well as a rapidly growing number of mainstream schools. Consequently the LearningShared programme (especially the events) provide a unique and brilliant opportunity for leaders and practitioners to come together to directly harness and tap into the phenomenal wealth of knowledge and experience that exists across the community.
The LearningShared programme has been designed by and is led and delivered by nationally recognised practitioners and experts in our field including Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE, Diane Rochford OBE, Vijita Patel NLE (Principal, Swiss Cottage School DRC), James Waller (Headteacher, Sunningdale School) and Alistair Crawford (St Martins / St Andrews School, Whole School SEND, Oak National Academy), with contributions from Dr Tina Rae, Sharon Gray OBE, Dr Janet Rose, Laura Purser, Amanda Mordey OBE, Roz McFeeters and many more colleagues across our network. The programme draws on the wealth of knowledge and expertise and crucially the connectivity across our LearningShared community. Illuminations, contributions and case studies are provided throughout the LearningShared programme by outstanding school leaders and practitioners from across the LearningShared community of practice.
Who is LearningShared for?
LearningShared can support ALL staff and governors in your setting. In addition to events for leaders and practitioners, the online learning platform can be used by colleagues at EVERY stage of their career from ECT’s to experienced leaders and everywhere in-between in mainstream and/or specialist settings. Many schools have also made the programme available to members of the governing body. Check out our ‘Making the most of..’ sessions within each module, which explore creative ways to use our innovative blended offer. Whether it be signposting individuals / groups to specific modules, supporting appraisal & PM or using aspects for whole school INSET, Learning Shared is here to support your SEND & Inclusion CPLD needs.
Network and collaborate with colleagues at other specialist and mainstream settings
CPLD Opportunities for ALL staff and governors
Growing bank of resources PLUS the power of community
Unique tool for your school, college and setting to support and enhance CPLD goals and plans
Available ON-DEMAND. All year round 24/7
(At your convenience)

We are committed to empower and showcase learner and family voice in all outputs from LearningShared*
The pricing is for a subscription providing access to the full LearningShared CPLD programme and platform for a single setting for a full year from the date of subscription.
£500 per school* (EfL subscribers)
£600 per school* (non-EfL subscribers)
(All prices are ex-VAT)
* A LearningShared subscription will give each school access for a year to the LearningShared online learning platform for all staff/governors at the school which includes all CPLD modules; Prof. Barry Carpenter’s coaching programme on the Reflective Inquiry Cycle and live recordings of the EfL LearningShared 2023/24 conference keynotes and workshop sessions. The school will also receive 1 (one) FREE delegate ticket each term to use at any of the EfL LearningShared regional leadership networking & development conferences taking place during the academic year (worth £450)(https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/efllearningsharedconferences/); 2 x free tickets for use at any of the regional EfL workshops; plus free attendance at any virtual ‘follow up’ events. Additional tickets to any of the events can be purchased at substantially discounted rates for LearningShared subscribers.

Recording of LearningShared Mini Conference & Launch of CPLD Programme 2023/24
This is a recording of the virtual mini conference and launch event that was held on 17th Oct 2023.
The meeting includes an overview of LearningShared CPLD Programme for 2023/24, plus a 60 minute mini conference with presentations from Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE, Diane Rochford OBE, James Waller (Headteacher, Sunningdale School), Vijita Patel (Principal, Swiss Cottage School DRC), Martin McKenna (Headteacher, Foxfield School), Cheryl Gaughan (Director of SEND, JMAT Schools) and Alistair Crawford (Director of SEND & Inclusion, St Martins & St Andrews Schools).
Enroll Your School Or Setting For The LearningShared CPLD Programme
Please use the form below to enrol your school, college, MAT or group of settings on to the LearningShared CPLD Programme…
Fields marked with an * are required
Networking and Development

SEND in Mainstream Conference
As the complexity threshold of need grows and capacity and funding in the system continue to get ever tighter our school leaders in mainstream settings are facing more barriers and challenges than ever before to provide inclusive and aspirational provision for the most vulnerable learners.

Working with Families Conference
The relationships between home and school have perhaps never been as important as they are today. Our ‘working with families‘ national conference delves beyond the rhetoric and buzz phrases to explore what co-production really looks and perhaps more importantly feels like to the families we serve in our settings.
Coming soon…