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Mental Well Being – plans and possibilities (FREE Online Conference, 29th JUNE 2021)

EfL LearningShared Conference on Mental Well Being 29th June 2021

LearningShared: Online EfL SEND Community Event – Conference (ZOOM Meeting)

Date: Tue 29th June 2021

Time: 10am

Duration: 2 hrs

Theme: Mental Well Being – plans and possibilities (FREE Conference)

We’re delighted to invite you and/or any of your colleagues to our final EfL LearningShared SEND community event of the 2020/21 academic year…

This meeting will be co-hosted with Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE OBE FCCT and brings together national leaders in the field of mental health and well being alongside school-based practitioners for a 2 hour conference that we hope will inform, illuminate, and initiate your thinking about the new and needed learning opportunities for our children in the new academic year, and beyond.

Professor Carpenter writes…

The pandemic period has witnessed a rapid erosion in the mental health of children. National figures are worrying, but as ever, as Teachers, we must ask ‘how does this affect children’s learning, and how can we remove barriers to achievement generated by issues such as anxiety, trauma and loss?” 

Two major Curriculum initiatives from this September will enhance the foundations created, pre pandemic, of Mental Health Leads in school, Mental Heath First Aid Training, etc:

Firstly, for all children, the new DfE Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) Curriculum becomes statutory. With its clear focus on Mental Well Being and Relationships, these are perfect platforms for rebuilding each school’s curriculum on meaningful human values, with RSHE at its heart, … for teaching is a relationship based profession.

Secondly, for children with SEND, the implementation of the Rochford Review recommendations, not only brings the Engagement Model into play as statutory summative assessment, but sees a renewed emphasis on the 4 domains of SEND in the Code of Practice (2015) as the curriculum framework for children with an EHCP. As such Social, Emotional and Mental Health, (SEMH), is a vital platform for designing learning opportunities for children with EHCPs.

Evidence for Learning has a strong history of facilitating curriculum development, pedagogy, assessment and practice in the area of Mental Well Being (MWB) through a variety of strategies.

Alongside Prof. Barry Carpenter, we’re excited to welcome to this conference, national leaders in the field – Dr Tina Rae, Sharon Gray, and Laura Purser – together with school based practitioners – Alison Wheeler, Alex Tomkins, Jeanette Scull, Jonah Stancombe and Tom Thatcher – for a rich and comprehensive collection of presentations and sharing of knowledge, ideas and practice that you are invited to take back to your own schools for your own discussions, planning and CPLD.



Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE OBE FCCT (Prof. Mental Health in Education, Oxford Brookes University) 

Dr Tina Rae (Child Psychologist, prolific & award winning author)

Sharon Gray OBE (ex-Headteacher, ex-Ofsted, Member of the Youth Justice Board, Wholehearted Learning)

Laura Purser (Head of Primary, Prep & EYFS at University of Buckingham. Designs/leads master’s level NASENCO course.)

Alison Wheeler (Headteacher, Palmerston School)

Alex Tomkins (Deputy Headteacher, Greenside School)

Jeanette Scull (Deputy Headteacher, John F Kennedy School)

Jonah Stancombe (Assistant Principal, Bridge College)

Tom Thatcher (Teacher, St Hugh’s School)

We’ll be recording the entire webinar and releasing it Episode #24 of the LearningShared podcast.


*** Please note this is NOT the meeting link. You will need to pre-register using the link below. This will then generate your own unique link to join the meeting on Tuesday at 10am ***

Please use the following link to register for the event. Numbers are limited


Join the conversation:

Facebook: EfL SEND Community Group

Join us at:


or search for “eflSENDCommunity” in Facebook.

The purpose of the group is to provide a safe, closed space to seek out and share ideas, experience and resources that can help with any and all aspects of SEND provision. It’s also a community for practitioners and schools that use Evidence for Learning and Insights for Learning to share ideas, resources and support each other in using these apps. This is a peer-moderated and supported group.

Facebook Group: Recovery Curriculum

We’ve set up a private facebook group specifically for The Recovery Curriculum at:


or search for “recoverycurriculum” in Facebook.

Linkedin Group: The Recovery Curriculum

The group is called “A Recovery Curriculum for children & schools post-pandemic” and you can find it at:



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